The French School
We turn French lessons into fun sessions!
Learn French
French discussion: 4 people at the park
French conversation: ordering in a coffeeshop
French conversation: meeting a friend
7/ French sentences - Can you repeat?
Our exclusive French e-learning platform
Sweatshirt Song
Bon cop, bad cop (movie)
6/ French sentences - What’s his/her/its name?
Pitbull (song)
5/ French sentences - My name is...
Incendies (movie)
4/ French sentences - What’s your name?
A new NBA player from Montreal
3/ French sentences - How is she, how is he, how are they?
I'll go back to Montreal (song)
2/ French sentences - I’m good, thanks
The Man Who Planted Trees (short film)
1/ French sentences - How are you?
It's Monday! (song)
Hate (movie)
The Intouchables (movie)
Our brand-new podcast "Learn French & Chill" is now available!
The Piano Tuner (short film)
Little Brother (Music)